Return to BDAT index
1 56 By addition
2 56 By recency
3 56 By name
4 56 By rarity
5 56 Weapon Class
6 56 Element
7 56 Phys. Def.
8 56 Ether Def.
9 56 Strength
10 56 Ether
11 56 Dexterity
12 56 Agility
13 56 Luck
14 56 Attack
15 56 Block Rate
16 56 Critical Rate
17 56 Remove All
18 56 Attack Focus
19 56 Tank Focus
20 56 Healer Focus
21 64 Set as active quest?
22 64 Deactivate this quest?
23 64 ドライバー:ニアが仲間になった ブレイド:ビャッコが仲間になった 仮メニューです パーティー編成画面呼び出し予定
24 64 ドライバー:メツが仲間になった ブレイド:ザンテツが仲間になった 仮メニューです パーティー編成画面呼び出し予定
25 64 ドライバー:ニアが仲間から外れた ブレイド:ビャッコが仲間から外れた 仮メニューです パーティー編成画面呼び出し予定
26 64 ドライバー:メツが仲間から外れた ブレイド:ザンテツが仲間から外れた 仮メニューです パーティー編成画面呼び出し予定
27 64 ブレイド:ホムラが仲間になった 仮メニューです パーティー編成画面呼び出し予定
28 64 Set this Blade?
29 64 Cannot have more Blades in party. Choose one to send to the Merc Group.
30 64 ■■■■■■■ 採集 ■■■■■■■■ フィールドには光るポイントがあります 近づき調べることで採集ができます コレクションアイテムを集めましょう
31 64 ■■■■ フィールドスキル ■■■■ ブレイドは各々特別な能力が使えます 倒木により道が塞がれていますが ホムラの「燃焼」の能力を使いましょう
32 37 Key item(s) obtained
33 37 Save
34 64 Save current progress?
35 64 Party formation has changed.
36 64 You need to open all salvaged treasure troves before salvaging again.
37 61 Currently deployed. Recall from duty?
38 60 Undertake request?
39 64 No Blades on standby that fulfill the mission requirements.
40 60 Squad disbanded.
41 60 Squad dispatched!
42 60 Preset registered.
43 64 Too many presets. Overwrite?
44 64 Edits will not be applied if you cancel. Is that OK?
45 64 Dispatched Blades can't be added to the party. Is that OK?
46 64 Cannot make further edits to squad.
47 60 Enhance Driver?
48 60 Choose Driver to enhance.
49 64 Leveling up automatically. Is this OK?
50 60 Enhance another Driver?
51 60 Go to Character Customization
52 60 Choose a type of level growth.
53 64 Automatically level up all Drivers to max possible level.
54 64 Choose Drivers to automatically level up to max possible level.
55 64 Choose Drivers and manually set levels.
56 64 Expend EXP to raise a level of your choice.
57 60 Learned Arts × [ML:number digit=2 ]
58 64 There are no Drivers that can be leveled up at the moment.
59 64 You may never see this Blade again. Are you sure you want to proceed?
60 64 Blade released.
61 60 Something's shining...
62 60 You got a Pollen Orb!
63 60 Choose a Blade to release.
64 64 Too many Blades. Choose a Blade to release.
65 64 Disengage Blade?
66 64 This Blade cannot be disengaged.
67 64 No items to equip.
68 64 You can't equip two of the same item.
69 64 Put this item in pouch #1?
70 64 Remove equipped item. Is this OK?
71 64 Items beyond carry limit will be automatically sold. Is this OK?
72 64 You can't hold any more money. Do you still want to sell?
73 64 Select an Art from the weapon categories to set or strengthen.
74 64 Strengthen Art?
75 64 Not enough WP to strengthen.
76 64 This Art cannot be strengthened further.
77 64 Unlock level not reached.
78 64 This Core Chip has already been applied.
79 64 Enhance weapon? (Uses up the Core Chip.)
80 64 Remove orb from slot?
81 64 Unable to equip multiple orbs with the same effect.
82 64 Not enough equippable items.
83 64 Cannot be equipped by this character.
84 64 Enhance this orb?
85 64 Provide these items?
86 64 You got 250,000G, half the value of Sheba's Core Crystal!
87 64 You got the advance payment! (100,000G)
88 64 You got a reward! (200G)
89 64 Learn this skill?
90 64 You got a Key Affinity Reward! New skills may be unlocked!
91 64 You got an Affinity Reward! Skill learned or improved!
92 64 You got all Affinity Rewards! Blade is at maximum development!
93 64 Affinity Reward
94 64 You haven't fulfilled the requirements for this Affinity Reward yet.
95 64 Going into battle with this party. Is this OK?
96 64 Travel to this destination?
97 64 Changed the time of day.
98 64 Engage this Blade?
99 64 Rose to Rank A! You are now the Divine Salvager!
100 64 Rose to Rank B! You are now a Legendary Salvager!
101 64 Rose to Rank C! You are now a Mushroom-Feast Salvager!
102 64 Rose to Rank D! You are now a Bana-Level Salvager!
103 64 Rose to Rank E! You are now a Baby-Level Salvager!
104 64 Battle unique monster again?
105 64 Modify weapon? (Uses up the Core Chip.)
106 64 This will result in a downgrade. Is that OK?
107 64 Set Aux Core?
108 64 Remove Aux Core?
109 64 Rose to Merc Group Rank 1!
110 64 Rose to Merc Group Rank 2!
111 64 Rose to Merc Group Rank 3!
112 64 Rose to Merc Group Rank 4!
113 64 Rose to Merc Group Rank 5!
114 64 Select how you want to level up.
115 64 All Drivers who can level up will be auto-advanced to max available level.
116 64 Select Drivers to auto-advance to max available level.
117 64 Select Drivers to manually level up.
118 64 You can spend bonus EXP to advance to selected level.
119 64 Level-up will be handled automatically. Is this OK?
120 64 [ML:DriverName ] has levelled up!
121 64 Select a Driver to advance.
122 64 Advance another Driver?
123 64 Is this OK?
124 64 I provide a service whereby I can notify you of the Cloud Sea's tide for when you wish to depart.
125 64 Would you like to rest until the Cloud Sea's tide turns?
126 64 Good morning! The Cloud Sea's tide seems to have turned.
127 64 Hrm? It looks like your bonus EXP has piled up, doesn't it?
128 64 You can level up now. How about it?
129 64 In that case, I look forward to serving you again.
130 64 Equip this item in the pouch?
131 64 [ML:number digit=4 ] points to go before next energy limit unlock.
132 64 [ML:number digit=9 ] more ether crystals required for expansion.
133 64 Spend ether crystals to expand?
134 64 Remove this part?
135 64 Set this part?
136 64 Spend ether crystals to create this part?
137 64 Create how many?
138 64 Convert this part into ether crystals?
139 64 Convert how many?
140 64 Link Jumping to [ML:MapName ].
141 64 Are you sure you want to bond with this Core Crystal? (The game state will be saved.)
142 64 You cannot salvage because you do not have any cylinders.
143 64 Use the Pouch Expansion Kit and create a new pouch?
144 64 The game will be saved. Is this OK?
145 64 Heart-to-Heart "By the Graveside" complete.
146 64 Heart-to-Heart "Mòrag the Chef" complete.
147 64 Heart-to-Heart "Before the Storm" complete.
148 64 Heart-to-Heart "Dromarch's Wisdom" complete.
149 64 Heart-to-Heart "Burgeoning Curiosity" complete.
150 64 Heart-to-Heart "The Real Gramps" complete.
151 64 Heart-to-Heart '\[blank\]' complete.
152 64 Heart-to-Heart "Quantum Technochampion π" complete.
153 64 Heart-to-Heart "Poppi's Remodel?" complete.
154 64 Heart-to-Heart "Hard Life" complete.
155 64 Heart-to-Heart '\[blank\]' complete.
156 64 Heart-to-Heart "Ardainian Technology" complete.
157 64 Heart-to-Heart "Tora's Angst" complete.
158 64 Heart-to-Heart '\[blank\]' complete.
159 64 Heart-to-Heart "Pandoria's Troubles" complete.
160 64 Heart-to-Heart '\[blank\]' complete.
161 64 Heart-to-Heart "Blushy-Crushy" complete.
162 64 Heart-to-Heart "Life Goes On" complete.
163 64 Heart-to-Heart "Reconciliation" complete.
164 64 Heart-to-Heart "A Tora and Poppi Production" complete.
165 64 Heart-to-Heart "Bold Adventures" complete.
166 64 Heart-to-Heart '\[blank\]' complete.
167 64 Heart-to-Heart "The Ground Beneath our Feet" complete.
168 64 Heart-to-Heart "Five Centuries of Memory" complete.
169 64 Heart-to-Heart "Family Ties" complete.
170 64 Heart-to-Heart "Mythra Vs. Brighid" complete.
171 64 Heart-to-Heart "Rub-a-Dub-Dub" complete.
172 64 Heart-to-Heart "Tora's Tribe" complete.
173 64 Heart-to-Heart '\[blank\]' complete.
174 64 Heart-to-Heart "Growing Up" complete.
175 64 Heart-to-Heart "Unforgiving Terrain" complete.
176 64 Heart-to-Heart "Addam's Appetite" complete.
177 64 Heart-to-Heart "Little Rex" complete.
178 64 Heart-to-Heart "A Moment's Peace" complete.
179 64 Heart-to-Heart '\[blank\]' complete.
180 64 Heart-to-Heart "Eternal Rest" complete.
181 64 Heart-to-Heart "Curse of the Zekenator" complete.
182 64 Heart-to-Heart '\[blank\]' complete.
183 64 Heart-to-Heart "Top of the World" complete.
184 64 Heart-to-Heart "Tending to Turters" complete.
185 64 Heart-to-Heart "Good Habits" complete.
186 64 Heart-to-Heart "Open Your Eyes" complete.
187 64 Heart-to-Heart "Legendary Land" complete.
188 64 Heart-to-Heart "What's in a Name?" complete.
189 64 Heart-to-Heart "Constants" complete.
190 64 Heart-to-Heart "Morytha the Unknown" complete.
191 64 Heart-to-Heart "A Thespian's Life" complete.
192 64 Heart-to-Heart "The Literary Life" complete.
193 64 Heart-to-Heart "Patroka's Predilections" complete.
194 64 Heart-to-Heart "Free as a Bird" complete.
195 64 Heart-to-Heart "Lone Wolf" complete.
196 64 Heart-to-Heart "Muscle Power" complete.
197 64 Heart-to-Heart "Jack of All Trades" complete.
198 64 Heart-to-Heart "At the Seat of Power" complete.
199 64 Heart-to-Heart "Servant of Justice" complete.
200 64 Heart-to-Heart "The Kindness of Blades" complete.
201 64 Heart-to-Heart "Poetic License" complete.
202 64 Heart-to-Heart "Sweet Strategy" complete.
203 64 Heart-to-Heart "Blue Blood" complete.
204 64 Heart-to-Heart "Forward-Looking Woman" complete.
205 64 Heart-to-Heart "Boreas the Gourmand" complete.
206 64 Heart-to-Heart "Desolate Land" complete.
207 64 Heart-to-Heart "Sisterly Love" complete.
208 64 Heart-to-Heart "Rough Diamond" complete.
209 64 Heart-to-Heart "Indomitable Will" complete.
210 64 Heart-to-Heart "Girl Power" complete.
211 64 Heart-to-Heart "A Love Too Deep" complete.
212 64 Heart-to-Heart "Not Quite Comfortable Yet" complete.
213 64 Heart-to-Heart "Mad about Titan Weapons" complete.
214 64 Heart-to-Heart "Nim-Speak" complete.
215 64 Heart-to-Heart "Sheba's Dream" complete.
216 64 Heart-to-Heart "Reunion" complete.
217 64 Heart-to-Heart "Walking Encyclopedia" complete.
218 64 Heart-to-Heart "Self-Confidence" complete.
219 64 Heart-to-Heart "Stronger Than Light" complete.
220 64 Heart-to-Heart "Bird's-Eye View" complete.
221 64 Heart-to-Heart "Daybreak" complete.
222 64 Heart-to-Heart "Atonement" complete.
223 64 Heart-to-Heart "Vale's Weakness" complete.
224 64 Heart-to-Heart "Impassioned Thoughts" complete.
225 64 Heart-to-Heart "The Purest Beauty?" complete.
226 64 If you open this door, there will be no turning back. Falling in battle will mean restarting from the title screen.
227 64 The money disappears into the Cloud Sea.
228 64 The money falls relatively close.
229 64 Mission requirements not fulfilled.
230 64 Cancel deployment and return to mission selection screen?
231 64 The assembled squad will be deployed. Is this OK? (Engaged Blades will be disengaged if necessary.)
232 64 Refine this Aux Core?
233 64 Provide these items?
234 55 OK
235 55 Yes
236 55 No
237 64 Put this item in pouch #2?
238 64 Put this item in pouch #3?
239 64 Finished leveling up?
240 64 You can now weave at Meske's house.
241 64 Advance to the selected level?
242 64 Returning to default state. Is this OK?
243 64 You can't use this Core Crystal yet.
244 64 All squads have been dispatched.
245 64 This is equipped to a different character. Remove and equip?
246 64 You got the Level 1 Access Key.
247 64 You cannot release this Blade.
248 64 You cannot release an engaged Blade.
249 64 You can't hold any more.
250 64 Not enough materials.
251 64 Controlling lightning got a little easier.
252 64 Not enough of the required items.
253 64 Make this dish?
254 64 Prepare this item?
255 64 Is this item fine?
256 64 You cannot Change Time right now.
257 64 The name will be set to "Pyra". Is this OK?
258 64 The name will be set to "Mythra". Is this OK?
259 64 Changing to Mythra. Is this OK?
260 64 Changing to Pyra. Is this OK?
261 64 Make Nia a Blade?
262 64 Make Nia a Driver?
263 61 Recall Blade from mission and engage?
264 64 You cannot resonate with any more Core Crystals right now.
265 64 Max. no. of common Blades increased. New Merc Missions available.
266 64 Max. no. of common Blades increased. New Merc Missions available. No. of squads to manage increased.
267 64 Max. no. of common Blades increased. New Merc Missions available.
268 64 Max. no. of common Blades increased. New Merc Missions available. No. of squads to manage increased.
269 64 Max. no. of common Blades increased. New Merc Missions available.
270 64 Do you want to resonate with this Core Crystal?
271 64 Engage this Blade that is bonded with another Driver? (This action is reversible.)
272 64 Disengage this Blade from the Master Driver and restore it to its original Driver?
273 64 Disengage the Blade and add them to the squad?
274 64 Disengaged Blades restored.
275 64 Not enough space to accept reward.
276 64 Not enough space to accept reward.
277 64 Not enough space to accept reward.
278 64 Not enough space to accept reward.
279 64 Unable to separate Blade from Driver.
280 64 This Merc Mission has been completed.
281 64 Indol is now a hostile power. You can no longer continue any quests that you accepted in Indol.
282 64 Merc Missions accepted / Dev Points acquired in Indol will be transferred to Leftheria.
283 64 Apply the Core Chip you purchased?
284 64 Blade in top position cannot be moved.
285 64 Raise max capacity of energy converter? (Consumes ether crystals.)
286 64 This Core Crystal can only be used by Mòrag.
287 64 This Blade cannot modify its weapon.
288 64 Use Weaponry for Noobs (small effect)?
289 64 Use Intermediate Weaponry (medium effect)?
290 64 Use Ultimate Weaponry (large effect)?
291 64 You cannot use this. All Arts for chosen weapon class are already at max level.
292 64 You cannot disengage another Driver's top-position Blade.
293 64 You cannot dispatch any more of this Driver's Blades.
294 64 You cannot substitute this character right now.
295 64 You cannot use Overdrive with this Blade, as doing so would remove the Driver's last engaged Blade.
296 64 You cannot use Overdrive with this Blade, as it is the Driver's last remaining one.
297 64 You cannot return Nia to Driver state because no other Blades are engaged.
298 64 Your game will be saved before the final battle begins.
299 64 Pre-existing save data found. If you save after starting a new game, the old data will be overwritten, so please be careful.
300 64 Set the main story as the active quest?
301 64 Leaving the save screen. Is that OK?
302 54 Confirm
303 54 Cancel
304 64 You're carrying too much gold to be able to receive this.
305 64 You're carrying too much of this item to be able to receive this.
306 64 You're carrying too many ether crystals to be able to receive this.
307 64 You cannot receive this content yet. You will have to proceed further in the game's story to be able to receive it.
308 64 You have received the contents.
309 64 From now on, Budada will make you special cylinders.
310 64 Meet him in the Goldmouth Residential District, in Argentum.
311 64 The Fire Dragons have taught Pyra their new recipe. You can make it in the kitchen at either Corrine's or Tora's House.
312 64 As thanks, Maddock has issued some requests to the Merc Group.
313 64 More Merc Missions with high Merc Point rewards are now available.
314 64 As a follow-up to the matter, Strath has issued some Merc Group requests.
315 64 More Merc Missions which greatly build Trust are now available.
316 64 You've discovered a new Salvage Point.
317 64 You can now salvage from Balquors Ruins in the Cliffs of Morytha.
318 64 From now on, Chulev will make you accessories in return for materials.
319 64 Check what kinds he can make by talking to him in person.
320 64 You can now make the hat Lhagen's been dreaming of. This will require using Vale's Field Skill.
321 64 Love Source is a pouch item that greatly increases Trust.
322 64 From now on, if you pick more Flutterheart Grass in Tantal, you can make more of the elixir here.
323 64 As thanks, Geoffili has issued some requests to the Merc Group.
324 64 More Merc Missions which offer large rewards are now available.
325 64 As thanks, Caephon has issued some requests to the Merc Group.
326 64 More Merc Missions which build Trust even further are now available.
327 64 Seesaw has completed work on the special cylinder.
328 64 You can use the Booster Cylinder at the Salvage Point on Gormott's Lascham Island.
329 64 Seesaw can make you as many Booster Cylinders as you like.
330 64 Jennifora will pass on the orders for Gorg's Just Desserts to the Merc Group from now on.
331 64 More Merc Missions which build Trust even further, and offer special pouch item rewards, are now available.
332 64 Bring Barhanen the materials and he'll make Accessories for you.
333 64 Gather the Ellook Horns from Ripbik Ellook, along with any other necessary materials, then bring them to him.
334 64 If you set the level to this, you'll get more Bonus EXP than you can keep. Continue to set the level and lose all Bonus EXP over the max amount?
335 64 You can lower your Drivers' levels while playing New Game Plus. When you lower their level, you can keep the EXP difference as Bonus EXP.
336 64 Set the level to this?
337 64 Finished changing level?
338 64 Mikhail will be engaged by whichever character talks to him. However, Tora cannot engage him.
339 64 If Mikhail is released, he will reappear in this place.
340 64 This Blade's weapon can't be modified. Do you still want to buy Core Chips?
341 64 You got 20,000 ether crystals.
342 64 You can change the difficulty settings any time from [System:Color name=tutorial ]Main Menu[/System:Color] > [System:Color name=tutorial ]System [/System:Color]> [System:Color name=tutorial ]Options [/System:Color]> [System:Color name=tutorial ]Game Settings[/System:Color].
343 64 This Blade is listed as favorite. If you want to release it, you will have to delist it first.
344 64 If you go any further, there will be no turning back. Falling in battle will mean restarting from the title screen.
345 64 Your game will be saved before the final battle begins.
346 64 You can only dispatch one model of Poppi at a time.
347 64 When Poppi is on a Merc Mission, Tora cannot take part in battles. Is this OK?
348 64 Tora cannot participate in any battles while Poppi is on a Merc Mission.
349 64 If you tell tales in exchange for items, the amount of Bonus EXP required will be taken from the active character.
350 64 Use the Accessory Expander Kit to increase the number of slots?
351 57 Yes (View Awakening)
352 57 Yes (Skip Awakening)
353 64 You can't receive this reward because your inventory is full.
354 64 Start New Game Plus?
355 64 Each Driver can only use an Accessory Expander Kit once.
356 64 Retry the challenge? If you do, you will not receive any treasure troves for this attempt.
357 64 The challenge will begin. Is that OK?
358 64 The Driver requirements aren't met.
359 64 The downloadable content has been removed. Please redownload the content to continue playing your previously-saved game.
360 64 You are already holding the maximum possible number of accessories. First sell some accessories if you want to purchase this item.
361 64 You cannot use this feature in the Land of Challenge.
362 64 The camping screen will be closed. Is that OK?
363 64 The camping screen will be closed and you will rest until morning. Is that OK?
364 64 Lora and Haze will be removed from the party if you approach the flagship.
365 64 If you want to re-add Lora to the party, return to Torigoth and speak to her.
366 64 Give up on the challenge? If you do, you will not receive any treasure troves for this attempt.
367 57 Give up on challenge
368 57 Retry challenge
369 57 Keep going
370 64 You can now collect Panacellin whenever you like.
371 64 You cannot equip more than one appearance-changing item.
372 64 After you check Crossette's Affinity chart, you'll be able to use her cooking skill at Tora's House.
373 64 Crossette's cooking repertoire has increased.
374 64 You can now collect Pestronella whenever you like.
375 64 Let's go ahead and make Trout Stralu.
376 64 Elma's Focus and Lockpicking Affinity Rewards have been updated.
377 64 Some of Corvin's Affinity Reward conditions have been revealed.
378 64 Track this character?
379 64 This will use a NoponGro: Bravery. Is this OK?
380 64 This will use a NoponGro: Truth. Is this OK?
381 64 This will use a NoponGro: Compassion. Is this OK?
382 64 This will use a NoponGro: Justice. Is this OK?
383 64 You can change customization settings during gameplay.
384 64 Stop tracking this character?
385 64 You can lower your teams' levels while playing New Game Plus. When you lower their level, you can keep the EXP difference as Bonus EXP.
386 64 You cannot hold any more of these.